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/ MacWorld 1997 November / Macworld (1997-11).dmg / Games World / Hot New Demos / Nuclear Hammer Demo (PPC) / NucHammerRes / NucHammerRes.adf / PICT_171.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1997-08-22  |  21KB  |  424x302  |  8-bit (190 colors)
Labels: airplane | crt screen | monitor | production line | sky | tree
OCR: HOD A HEGGOCK Using a TWB2 Pressuri ised Gas liquid propellant J!6ua .the HDD 91 is a Rjy6!y ef- fective counter JowJe weapon. Packing 22.6 kilo war head of CS pue pa1ejnueJ6 C6 pellets the yaoPPeH. ue3 Riuapuadapu! pue TOst 6u!n0W vehicles The HDD 91 was pau6!sap For Jew Ue!1 3!Jaydsow1e pue "ature pue has proved highly ef fective even under harsh Lunar pue Joviar SUO!1!pUO3 Haddock TW82 essurised IGas destroy desicy tian tenperature Jovian nditions